animal welfare book info ....

Did you know?

According to the HSUS:

In 6 years, one female dog and her offspring
can theoretically produce 67,000 dogs.

In 7 years, one female cat and her offspring
can theoretically produce 420,000 cats.

Maeann Koi has created
a beautifully-written story,
"Some Cats from Doom City",
complete with lovingly-created cat portraits.

She hopes to help stop
our abominable pet overpopulation problems
by exploring the issues
through her book
from a different perspective.

We hope you will, too.

In addition to exploring issues,
you'll read about
little "jailbirds" like Shookabod Jane,
struggling single moms
like Yellin' Gurley Grau,
and softies like blind Maudney Dangeryard.

Also includes easy-to-read sections of tips
that you can fit into your tough personal schedule
explaining what you can comfortably do
right there in your own busy space.

You can make a difference
for some of the multitudes
of stray pets in your own community.

One little friend at a time.

And from a distance, if you choose.

P.S. Yes, it's true: Even your own nice neighborhood has strays.
Find out how to research how many you have.
Simple steps included.

-- Book measures about 8.25" x 11";
73 pages total (57 numbered),
with four-color front and back gloss soft cover.

-- Thirty plus pages have full-face cat illustrations;
stories and faces are taken from real life.

In addition, starting on page 35
you'll find generous how-to-find-out
and what-to-do sections;

-- Written in easy-to-read
gentle, but forceful and definitive
poetic-prose style.

When you buy copies of Some Cats from Doom City,
you will find many ways for your purchases
to save lives, both in your own area and others.

For example, buy books,
for neighbors or acquaintances
who need to understand; buy copies
and donate them to schools, colleges,
animal pounds, and shelters for visitor display, or sale.

If you purchase for others on CD or in ebook-download format,
simply use the "manual order" function
and tell us where to email the book.

You personally could save thousands of dog or cat lives
just by helping to further educate people
-- one individual at a time --
about why they

neuter/spay and lovingly confine their pet,
and about what else to do if a pet gets lost.

Please send an email to your friends, relatives, and acquaintances
to let them know about Some Cats from Doom City.

Makes a great gift, too!

2004, Copyright cT2, inc., Box 7164,
Minneapolis, Mn 55407
All rights reserved

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